mikegmang mikegmang is offline

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  • Last Activity: 02-29-2024 05:10 PM
  • Join Date: 10-30-2011


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 29
  1. Jsal1017
    01-06-2024 07:39 AM - permalink
    Hello Mike, I had been looking around for months it seems for a way to purchase a Shelby super snake hood for my 2022 ford f150. Last night I happened to come across an old thread of yours and was hoping you could possibly help me out. Would you have a way to possibly purchase one? If so you’ve just become my best friend

    Thank you, Jimmy S
  2. Daniel_raja
    07-16-2021 03:50 PM - permalink
    Hi Mike, can you still get Shelby parts?
  3. Antoniom
    07-03-2018 03:10 AM - permalink
    Hello Mike, I bought a F150 2008 STX super cab, and I started last week with a conversion to raptor 2014. I already have hood, fenders, bumper, upper bumper and headlights.
    Fenders and hood was easy, but I had some problems with the bumper, so I took out the screws that came and add some long bolts, tomorrow I will add some welding (is something that you recommend). my main problem are the headlights, because they don't fit were the screws go, I was thinking on adding a metal piece to the main 2008 core, and make some wholes so I can screw.

    Im going in the correct direction?
    thank you
  4. Ezdzit
    06-12-2015 01:00 AM - permalink
    Is you truck 4x4, or did you just take the sticker off.
  5. 4ctnduction
    09-10-2013 03:15 PM - permalink
    mike, youre a douche bag
  6. Mik3
    08-10-2013 12:48 AM - permalink
    Where did you purchase the raptor fiberglass parts?
  7. d.turelli
    08-04-2013 02:54 AM - permalink
    what did the headlight bracket look like for your f150 to raptor conversion? did you have to cut some of your core support to make the lights fit?
  8. DemonicFX4
    04-29-2013 07:27 PM - permalink
    Ahaha for sure I'll let you know if I plan on going. If not I kind of want to go to SA in August to watch my brother graduate at Fort Sam but thats a distance away.
  9. DemonicFX4
    04-29-2013 06:29 PM - permalink
    I was actually planning a road trip to the dallas area in early june or so. If you still have it I'd maybe make the extra drive to SA to buy them if you'd be willing to sell.
  10. DemonicFX4
    04-29-2013 06:12 PM - permalink
    Also would a raptor hood work with stock 09-newer fenders or is it too wide/long?

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