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DC4MVP 04-14-2016 12:02 AM

Your F-150's First Ding/Scratch/Dent/Chip
This is my jump back into the forums after about a year absence. Still enjoying my 2015 with no issues although she's dirtier than a Vegas hooker from the Texas weather.


I was going down the road coming from a 14 hour shift at work. I was talking to my dad back in Minnesota and, like a slow motion bullet, I saw a rock coming towards my truck. I saw and heard it hit about half way up my windshield putting a quarter size chip just lower than eye level on the driver's side. My dad thought I got into a wreck by the way I cursed.

Less than a week later, it expanded 3/4 across the entire windshield. I got it repaired this past Monday and my truck is back to pristine condition outside of the typical scratches you'd only see if you're looking for them.

So....what was the first "FUUUUUU*K!" moment when your truck took it's first bit of damage?

2manycars 04-14-2016 12:11 AM

Haven't got mine yet, but I can tell you what happened with my last brand new vehicle purchase, a 2001 Corvette convertible.

I took museum delivery of my new 2001 Corvette on Feb 16, 2001 and arrived home with it the next night. The following morning, I took it out on I78 in NJ to head down to my mom's and then my brother's place. I was in the left lane. A semi was in the far right lane. I saw the semi kick out a stone from the rear tire, sideways, straight into my lane. I could not get out of the way in time. It hit the hood twice, and the windshield once -- bip -- bip -- BAP! I didn't have the car home for 12 hours yet. Man was I pissed. Two dings in the middle of the hood, and a tiny mark on the windshield.

Stock 04-14-2016 12:26 AM

DC, hear ya on that brotha. Out here of all the spots in SATX the hail marked the first set of dents. 2 weeks in new '15 xlt 😑

Ned Fletcher 04-14-2016 12:31 AM

In my '13 i had the Cassier HWY (alcan) give out below me and swong trailer around. ~1ft long dent just below pass tail light.

Do not planning on repeating this

swinkey 04-14-2016 12:40 AM

18 days after I bought my truck, I was sitting at a red light and a dump truck in the left turn lane knocked off my mirror. I got to watch the black plastic cap skip across my hood. Needless to say, there was a lot of swearing.

DC4MVP 04-14-2016 02:11 AM

Good...I mean cringe worthy stories!

I was lucky where mine happened 14 months after I got my truck but here's the story of my 2013 F-150.

I picked it up on a Friday night. Brand new. 3 miles on it. Took it to the bar for a celebration beer or two, drove her home and parked her in the garage for the night to go fishing the next morning.

Launched the boat at about 6am. Fished, didn't catch anything. Got back to my truck at about 4:30. Noticed the left fender and light box on my trailer was ripped off. Walked closer to the truck....saw black plastic on the front all dinged up and scratched.

Only thing I could think of is that someone tried backing in their trailer to the spot next to me. They must have hit my trailer, pulled forward and either 1. Tried backing up again and got my truck or 2. They hit it pulling out of the spot. Of insurance info left or anything.

Either way....less than 24 hours and I'm filing a police report on a hit & run.

bobekongwe 04-14-2016 02:16 AM

3 Attachment(s)
This is two weeks old now. A tap on the brake couldn't really help evade you from a hurling stone coming from the opposite 3 lane highway when you're running 100+ kph. .

At that moment, I had to choose on slam on the brakes and hit the aluminum hood, or go a bit quicker and let it hit a panoramic moonroof. Decisions, decisions...

Nah, just get an annoying one right in your driving view....

gatorblue92 04-14-2016 05:40 AM

I have a nice quarter size gouge in the side of the bed on my truck where a show shovel fell and left its mark. I don't have any pictures but it didn't really dent the metal as much as it left a groove. I already used some touch up paint and unless you are looking for it its not really noticeable.

Mlarv 04-14-2016 06:28 AM

I got my truck home on Thursday. On Saturday I went to help a friend get an engine for his older Mustang. I put a trap down in the bed along with an old tire to hold the engine. The transmission on the other hand was not bolted on it was just placed on it. Needless to say about three miles into our trip home hit the brakes and the tranny falls off and slides to the back of the truck. Scratched the the bed really bad. When we go to take out the engine and tranny I noticed under the tire I had the engine in was a dent and another scratch. Good thing it was inside the bed not outside. I sanded the bed down the next week and put in a spray in liner to cover the scratches and dents.

itsafarm truck 04-14-2016 07:29 AM

Brought my truck home and pulled in the garage. Stopping when the sponge ball touched the windshield.
Went from '05 screw 5.5 bed to 16 screw 5.5 bed so no reason new truck shouldn't fit in garage just like the old one.
Garage door came down and put some really nice gouges in the rear bumper cover. Moved the ball forward a few inches and all is good now.

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